On October 12th and 13th, Unblur´s team conducted a 2-day ¨Train the Trainer¨ course for West Midlands Fire Service. We are glad to share some pictures of those days.
The “Train the trainer” course gave a thorough and in-depth understanding of our Incident Command System – IRIS Core and IRIS Tactics to firefighters through live exercises.The training was held at Coventry Fire Station for 20 participants of Station commanders, Watch commanders, Crew commanders and representatives from Fire Control.
The first 20 super-users learnt through the Trainer`s Dashboard, practical exercises, and were provided with all the documentation as well as the End User Manual.
Participants also took part in fun and interactive Kahoot quizzes to review what they had learnt. Gaining first-hand experience and using the system was crucial as many participants will be training their crews during the coming months.
The training was also the first chance for the crews to use and try out IRIS Core and Tactics on their new Zebra Technologies tablets and phones. Crews will use IRIS on these devices during incidents for risk mapping, streaming and GPS tracking.
The participants of the training demonstrated great interest and were extremely engaged throughout the two days while trying out all the features of IRIS. They asked great questions and carried a solution-oriented mindset while discovering ways they can utilise IRIS in their daily tasks.
Firefighters provided very useful feedback, and many offered to support UNBLUR`s design team in future research workshops and feedback sessions.
#firefighters #softwaredevelopment #incidentresponse #incidentcommandsoftware

West Midlands Fire Service extends roll out of Unblur Incident Command System
West Midlands Fire Service (WMFS) will roll out Unblurs digital incident command software across its Birmingham City fire stations after completing an initial six -month