The sooner digital technology is on the fireground, the better the outcome.
In most cases, response to emergency incidents ends up with a mix of digital and analogue management because it will take anything from ten to thirty minutes for the digitally equipped Command Unit to arrive on scene.
All updates and risk assessment will have to be copied down during the initial response to an incident, creating this analogue/digital mix and creating the potential for information to be lost. This can affect the management of the incident and potentially compromise the requirements for records required in any post incident inquiries.
If digital technology is in the hands of the first responders at the incident, then it creates a much stronger Golden Thread of information and incident recording from the moment that resources are on scene.
With Unblur’s IRIS Tactics on the first responding appliance on any Android device it starts GPS tracking as soon as the device is switched on. This shows immediately where the officer in charge with the first appliance is and can also be used as a body worn streaming camera to share passive data with oncoming fire appliances.
They can immediately drop hazard markers or undertake a video briefing, and all data can be captured and shared instantly, so that from the very start there is remote access to see what is happening. This provides rich data and real time situational awareness, creating more time for better informed critical command decisions in the first minutes of incident response.
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