Efficient incident response with complete situational awareness in real-time
Accessible to every organization

Global Vision
Unblur currently operates in the UK and Spain, supporting various customers such as the London Fire Brigade, West Midlands Fire Service, Renfe, Puerto de Huelva, among others, and is expanding to other countries in Europe and the Middle East.

Situational Awareness

Tech Integration

Crew and Multiagency Coordination

Post Incident Intelligence
Unblur in numbers:
Our clients safeguard a population of 15 Million inhabitants, transport 1.7 Million passengers every day, & over 32 Million metric tons of cargo annually.

One of the largest Fire & Rescue Services in the World.
Spain’s leading railway operator.

One of Spain’s leading Atlantic Ports.

The second largest Fire & Rescue Service in the UK.

One of the UK’s highest performing Fire & Rescue Services.

The leading organisation providing fire and multi-service training.

The primary organisation responsible for fire prevention and protection in Mid & West Wales.

Paul Dunnell
Station Commander
West Midlands Fire Service
We are excited to announce this fantastic collaboration with Unblur. It will involve a six-month proof of concept period introducing a new approach to incident management, command and control and command support. We also anticipate significant improvements to firefighter safety and post-incident learning. Ultimately, this is about supporting our assertive, effective and safe response to incidents for the benefit of our communities, making the West Midlands safer, stronger and healthier.

Romero Durscher
Vice President of Public Safety
During a time when making fast and strong decisions really mean the difference between protecting life and property and risking injury or death to someone, it’s very clear that actionable data in an easy to digest form, is needed.
Unblur has taken on the task to create a simple and seamless integration of software into existing systems to really add and share information in real-time, making it accessible to all responders deployed. This approach fits into our Auterion ecosystem approach and ultimately, brings a lot of value to the first responders

Dominik Wellman
Managing Director
The Fire Service College
We believe that systems such as IRIS Core will enhance our incident command and command support courses. By incorporating technology that is changing how emergency incidents are managed, and by linking IRIS Core to our XVR simulation platform in a training environment we will increase the accuracy and immersive nature of our command exercises creating an even more realistic experience for our learners.

Jon Laight
North District Commander
Hereford & Worcester Fire and Rescue Service
We are Incident Commanders, and we need support to be able to make sure we do a great job, and this is what Unblur does. This is what the IRIS system does, it provides the command support, structure and innovation we need to enable us to do Incident Command.